Art Projects at Heizer
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Project: Create your own design in the style of Piet Mondrian In this project you will be creating your own work of art in the style of Piet Mondrian. You will be using the style he named Neo-Plasticism. Remember that Mondrian used only horizontal and vertical lines as well as squares and rectangles. Be careful to make all your lines strait and clean. The only colors you will be allowed to use will be the primary colors (red, blue, yellow). You will also be allowed the use of black. Steps: Draw a basic grid on your paper lightly using pencil and ruler. You will only be using squares and rectangles. There needs to be at least 5 different sizes of squares and rectangles. Go over your pencil lines with black colored pencil. Make sure you cover all pencil lines. Using red, yellow, or blue paint choose several squares and paint them. Be careful not to cover the colored pencil lines. You will be using a different type of paint to cover these lines later. Using black acrylic paint be sure to make your lines strait and smooth as you cover the black colored pencil fully. Be sure it dries completely before turning it in. Make sure your first name AND last name are on the back of your painting as well as the hour number and the date.
Posted by eadesr  On Sep 04, 2014 at 10:06 AM
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